Planning Department
6th Cycle Housing Element Information
Housing Element and Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, a Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration has been prepared to study any impacts related to the Housing Element.
The Draft Housing Element and Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration is now ready for public review.
Erica Fraser, Planning Director
Dana Knight, Planning Clerk
Phone Number: 209-245-6941, ext 254
The Planning Department is involved in projects that range from Administrative Use Sign Permits to Updating the General Plan. Throughout this site we hope to provide information, documents, and forms that will make it easier for you to fufill your planning needs. On this site we have provided maps of the City, Planning Applications and other information we thought would be useful.
What is a General Plan?
A General Plan is a constitution for a City or County to live by. It acts as a blueprint for how the City will function and expand. In California, the General Plan consists of seven required elements, as well as any optional elements that the jurisdiction may choose to adopt. The required seven elements are: land use, circulation, housing, conservation, open space, noise, and safety.
Click to view the General Plan
Click to view the General Plan Map
Click to view the Scenic Corridor Design Guidelines
Building Permit and Development Standards
The following links are provided to provide access to building permits and development standards documented in the Municipal Code.
Click to view the Municipal Code Document
Click to view the Building Permit forms
Accessory Dwelling Unit Handbook
Planning Forms
Administrative and Conditional Use Permit Submittal Requirements
Major Design Review and Minor Design Review
Short Term Rentals Short Term Rental Use Permit Application Short Term Rental Ordinance 2022-01 Quarterly TOT Tax Form
Animal Husbandry Forms Handout Application Neighbor Notification Form
The City of Plymouth’s master fee and service charge schedule is intended to be a brief reference and summary of numerous City Codes, Ordinances and Resolutions, which are noted in each section. Users should refer to these documents for important details. The Schedule also includes fees payable to other agencies for projects within the City of Plymouth based on inter-agency agreements as noted. However the City makes no representation that this Summary is complete in all respects; for example, School, LAFCO, and Air District fees are not included.
This fee schedule can be viewed by clicking here
Current Projects
The City of Plymouth has made significant progress towards a new era of economic development. Since the late 1980’s, the City of Plymouth had a building moratorium resulting from a critical water shortage. In January 2010, in conjunction with the Amador Water Agency, the City completed a new water supply pipeline.
Greilich Ranch Subdivision
ARCO Commercial Center and Car Wash
Energy Action Plan
Purpose of the Plymouth Energy Action Plan
The EAP can be used by local residents and business owners to see where they might achieve greater energy efficiency in their home or commercial building. The local municipal government can use it to guide decisions about how to make the City’s building and operational infrastructure more energy efficient. It can also be used by City staff to prioritize programs to inform, encourage and inspire residents and business owners to be more energy efficient now and in the future. Exploring and implementing energy-efficiency programs creates flexibility for the City in meeting its energy demand. This in turn helps the community be more self-sufficient and economically resilient in light of probable future increases in energy prices, whether due to market conditions or the regulatory environment. Being energy efficient does not compromise the City’s small-country character or charm but rather enhances its ability to respond to the ever-changing external conditions related to energy supply and demand. Click here to get more information